Thursday, November 21, 2013

Practice Karma Yoga Today & Support Ten Nebula's work.

Practice Karma Yoga Today.
Make a love donation to support Ten Nebula's work.
Your donations help to support Ten Nebula's path and work.
Give whatever.
Give $10, Give $50, Give $100, Give $500, Give $1,000.
Just give from the heart.

Just click on the Paypal "Donate" button above today.

Use my email address: to make your donation

Great Ways to Support Ten Nebula
1. Make a Monthly Online Donation using Paypal
2. Make a donation using "Paypal"
3. Give a Gift Certificate
4. Mail me a check
5. Create a fundraiser for my work & projects
6. Share my work with other people & organizations
7. Give my work a positive review or testimonial
8. Make time to "Like" my work
9. Offer me helpful suggestions to get better & brighter
10. Include blessings for me & my work in your daily spiritual practice
11. Inheritance - Leave me in your will

Contact Info
Email me for more info

Thanks for your support in all forms!!!!

Quotes by Ten nebula

"Light runs tings" -
Quote by Ten nebula

"Illusions may scream loudly but they are still illusions."
Quote By Ten nebula

Products by Ten nebula

Great & Exciting News!!!!!!!!

Upcoming products from Ten Nebula 
- New book on health, healing, & spirituality  ( 2020-2022)

- Music CD  (2023-2025)

- Holistic Healing Center ( 2025-2028)

Stay Tuned!!!!!

Aspects of a Healthy, Balanced Life

In order to have rich and balanced lives, we must intend on living rich and balanced lives. It is a process and we must be willing to do the proper work. That work may consist of having clear intentions, following your intuition, letting go when needed, using non-attachment and taking the right action. We all have different kinds of lives but we all want to be happy and we all want to heal.

1. Spiritual & Body care
2. Home
3. Family
4. Friends
5. Personal Time
6. Money & Abundance
7. Higher Learning & Education
8. Romantic Relationships
9. Travel
10. Work & Career
11. Karma Yoga/Volunteering work/Tithing 

12. Physical Body care

How May We Help You?

This blog is a helpful tool and resource.

It can help you:

1. learn more about women's issues, worldwide
2. learn more about women's issues, nationwide
3. learn ways to defend yourself
4. become more self-confident
5. become more self-loving
6. get stronger & healthier boundaries
7. support women in better ways
8. learn how YOU CAN HELP


Activist Cheatsheet for the American People and U.S. Businesses

Created by Tanya Thomas (Ten Nebula)
The Ten Nebula Empire

Tips for U.S. People
-       Become an environmentalist. Celebrate Earth day. Recycle & compost.

-       Vote in your city/state and federal (presidential) elections
-       Strive to understand your basic human rights and lawful rights as U.S. citizens
-       Practice giving back. Donate, volunteer, and/or consider becoming a mentor on the regular basis.
-       Adopt your pets from a nearby animal rescue shelter.
-       Report all incidents, crimes, and forms of violence to the proper authorities. Become more helpful, honest, and brave.
-       Encourage our U.S. businesses and legislation to keep our social media free of porn & nudity and always age appropriate.
-       Practice daily kindness.

Tips for U.S. Non- profits
-       Be sure to have Annual Reports on your website that can be download and reviewed.
-       Have seals for your company like Better Business Bureau (BBB), Guidestar, and Charity Navigator.
-       Make your company more green. Purchase recycle paper for the office. Recycle & compost. Use green cleaning products. Participate in Earth day events.
-       Clear communication with the public: use websites, offer an info@ email address, use contact boxes, have phone numbers /clear business hour / fax numbers, & staff directory on sites
-       Encourage our U.S. businesses and legislation to keep our social media free of porn & nudity and always age appropriate.
-       Align with and use best business practices & protocols for safety & efficiency– like cameras, job acceptance letters, ADP, termination letters, etc.

Tips for U.S. For- profit Businesses
-       Make your company more green. Purchase recycle paper for the office. Recycle & compost. Use green cleaning products. Participate in Earth day events.
-       Practice giving back. Donate to U.S. non-profits on the regular basis.  Have staff volunteer at local non-profits a few times a year. Consider having a food drive and/or keeping a food drive barrel at your business for a local non-profit food bank.
-       Clear communication with the public: use websites, offer an info@ email address, use contact boxes, have phone numbers /clear business hour / fax numbers, & staff directory on sites
-       Encourage our U.S. businesses and legislation to keep our social media free of porn & nudity and always age appropriate.
-       Align with and use best business practices & protocols for safety & efficiency– like cameras, job acceptance letters, ADP, termination letters, etc.

Tips for U.S. Government Entities
-       Clear communication with the public: use websites, offer an info@ email address, use contact boxes, have phone numbers /clear business hour / fax numbers
-       Have staff directory on all sites
-       Make your companies more green.
-       Strengthen laws surrounding misuse of technology. Example: Cyberstalking, Cyberbullying, NO porn or nudity on our social media, Make all social media age appropriate
-       Make all medical charts electronic and available to all U.S. citizens in ONE COMPREHENSIVE online place so that their doctors & health practitioners have access to them
-       Make all U.S. citizens IRS tax paperwork available to each citizen online and in electronic form

-       Encourage and support alternative medicine/ Eastern medicines to get clinical trials so they are more accepted by the American public (Ex: Dr. Michael Gregor -

Violence Against Women: Stalking

Violence Against Women: Rape

Violence Against Women: Domestic Violence

Violence Against Women: Assault

Violence Against Women: Sexual Harassment

Violence Against Women: Human Sex Trafficking

Violence Against Women: Child Marriage

Practice Self-Defense: Speak UP

Women have had issues with speaking their truth over the centuries.
It is a place where many women feel uncomfortable.
Women need to learn to honor their voices.
They need to learn to speak their truth and speak up.

Speaking up keeps YOU safe!!!!!
Speaking up keeps US safe!!!!!

Practice Self-Defense: Report Crimes, Violence, & Incidents to AUTHORITIES

Women you ALL need to learn to report ALL  crimes, acts of violence, & incidents.
When you report crimes for yourself and on behalf of others, it strengthens your self-confidence.

Report crimes, violence, & incidents:
- for yourself
- for children
- for your neighbors
- for co-workers
- for other citizens (Be A Good Samaritan)

Report crimes, violence, & incidents:
- at your job
- in your home
- in your neighborhood
- in your community

Make reports to:
- Your supervisor
- your friends
- your spouse
- your family
- your parents
- your neighbors
- your landlord
- the POLICE
- the Better Business Bureau (BBB)

Practice Self-Defense: Whistle

Purchase a whistle for self-defense.

It is great for women.
It is great to use on on large college & university campuses
It brings attention to a crime & an offender.
A whistle is easy to carry.

Practice Self-Defense: Mace & Pepper Spray

Mace & pepper spray are great self-defense tools.

They are:
1. Easy to carry.
2. You can have distance between yourself and the offender.
3. You don't need training for it.
4. Legal.
5. Effective.
6. Inexpensive

Practice Self-Defense: Women Self-Defense Classes

Women self-defense classes are available nationwide.
They are offered on the weekends and some times in a two-day class.

They are beneficial because:
1. they strengthen your self-confidence
2. they strengthen your feeling of safety
3. makes you feel more courageous
4. keeps your fit
5. they help you to become more mindful & aware

Women's Self-defense Training: Intro

Women’s Self-defense training: Why do it?

Women’s Self-defense Training: Women are Awesome

Women’s Self-defense Training: Engaging Class

Women’s Self-defense Training: Women Get Support

Practice Self-Defense: Knife

Knives are good for women who are ALREADY good with the other forms of self-defense.

I highly recommend that you be great with speaking up, whistles, reporting incidents, and mace / pepper spray before getting a knife or a gun. If you are prone to fear and NOT VERY CONFIDENT or STRONG WILLED, having a weapon like a knife or gun can make an act of violence more painful or lethal. The tool can also be used AGAINST YOU if you are not fully capable of handing it.

Using a knife requires more courage and focus.
A knife is also easy to carry and legal.

Practice Self-Defense: Guns, Gun Glasses, & Gun Permits

Guns are good for women who are ALREADY good with the other forms of self-defense.

I highly recommend that you be great with speaking up, whistles, reporting incidents, and mace / pepper spray before getting a knife or a gun. If you are prone to fear and NOT VERY CONFIDENT or STRONG WILLED, having a weapon like a knife or gun can make an act of violence more painful or lethal. The tool can also be used AGAINST YOU if you are not fully capable of handing it.

Using a gun requires more courage and focus.
A LEGAL gun in the United States requires classes, background check, and a permit.

Practice Self-Defense: Guard Dogs

Women you can also purchase guard / security dogs to stay protected at home & work.

1. Make sure they are train by a PROPER company and trainer
2. It may be best if you enjoy dogs.
3. Treat ALL you pets with care.
4. Security dogs can have multi-purposes and also be your companion.

Healing Tools: Writing / Journaling

Healing Tools: Therapy

Healing Tools: Daily Spiritual Practice